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| 3 min read
The web development world is buzzing with the news of the launch of Drupal 8, the world’s most loved CMS. With an amazing array of more than 200 new features and improvements, the upcoming release of Drupal 8 is sure to win hearts. Drupal 8, the latest version of Drupal slated for release this month, is touted to be a boon for API writer and application builders and of course, all those looking for a smoother mobile interface.
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| 5 min read
Do you like working with challenging software that produce stunning results? And do you want to make big bucks as you build websites with sophisticated tools? If yes, then I see no reason as to why you shouldn’t become a Drupal developer. Drupal is not for the faint-hearted, it requires loads of expertise and consistent effort to work with Drupal successfully. So,if you are really passionate about designing websites, then Drupal is the best CMS to get started.
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| 4 min read
The digital publishing industry is growing leaps and bounds as a result of the extensive use of various smart devices. In fact, publishing e-magazines offers several benefits such as less investment, low production costs, minimum inventory storage costs, and most significant of all, the possibility to build a stronger global customer base.
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| 4 min read
In this digital age, how does a media organization effectively manage the massive volume of images, graphics, videos and photographs that it gets access to every single day? This inevitably throws up a whole lot of questions.Does the company have a copyright for a particular image? Does the company give image credits? How can the organization know who is tracking the image and how many times it has been already used? Quite often, companies use the time-consuming and laborious method of making calls to determine the answer to these questions. Needless to say, it's an absolute waste of effort and resources.
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| 4 min read
If you own a media or entertainment website, you would know the amount of competition you face every day to be on the top. Too much of competition obviously means a decrease in the digital revenue, but a Drupal powered media website on the other hand guarantees sufficient digital revenues.
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| 5 min read
Digital Asset Management (DAM) refers to the processes and tasks an organization follows to effectively manage, recover, share and distribute their digital assets or files. Today, Digital Asset Management has proven to be a crucial resource for marketers. By utilizing a vast array of digital assets, marketers can easily communicate brand messages across a rapidly-changing digital landscape.
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| 5 min read
The massive strides in digital communication technologies has transformed the Internet into a virtual hub for different consumers to enjoy quality entertainment with a simple swipe and tap of the finger. Thanks to its tremendous growth, the entertainment and media sector has also forayed into the networking space, to enhance its utility through the Internet.
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| 2 min read
If your agenda is to build a new web project, real quick and real fast, Drupal, the open source platform for web content management, is the one that you should embrace. Drupal has powered millions of websites across the virtual universe inclcuding those of large organizations including the White House, Economist, Al Jazeera and World Economic Forum. With a large number of Drupal themes and modules freely available, you are guaranteed to rush through your web project in a flash.
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| 5 min read
Did you know that Drupal has been the content management system (CMS) for a lot of popular organizations and companies across the world such as the White House, Al Jazeera, The Economist and World Economic Forum? Drupal provides a flexible platform for creating innovative and vibrant community web portals, personal websites, eCommerce sites, social networking sites, newsletters and a lot more with absolute ease. Moreover, it comprises extremely powerful modules that can be used for building large, complex sites, and it's the best platform that exists today for SEO.
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| 5 min read
The surge in the use of mobile devices and the ease of accessing the Internet through various devices such as tablets, smartphones and smart watches (rather than the traditional desktop and laptops) have changed the way websites are being built and accessed.
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Agile is to project management what OOPs (Object Oriented Programming) concept is to programming languages (like PHP, Java, C). It divides the complexity of large projects into bite-sized chunks. Compared to a traditional sequential process like Waterfall, Agile promotes a disciplined project management process that encourages frequent inspection and adaptation. It encourages teamwork, self-organization and accountability.
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| 4 min read
In order to hone your existing skills and make it to the top as a proficient Drupal developer, it is critical to understand and imbibe a few things that will augment your knowledge levels further.You are bound to learn many things along the path to becoming a Drupal developer, yet you shall do well to account for the following tips and succeed at all levels.
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| 4 min read
Zyxware Technologies is happy to announce that we have contributed Custom Landing page builder, yet another module, to the Drupal community.The Custom Landing Page Builder module enables webmasters to build custom landing pages using WYSIWYG editor while still having complete control over the full layout of the page including the header, navigation, page content, footer, forms and so on.
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| 5 min read
When Dries Buytaert and Hans Snijder wrote Drupal as a message board that would help them to communicate news and announcements between the student communities, little would they have imagined that it would become an open source in 2001 and go on to become an extremely popular Content Management platform.