
Visualizing Drupal's Diverse Capabilities for Business Success
| 9 min read
Drupal isn't just a CMS anymore. It has evolved to become a central part of the larger digital experience platform ecosystem. Designed to cater to agile marketing and communication teams, its functionality extends far beyond a traditional CMS. It offers a vast array of capabilities, suitable for a wide range of digital projects, thereby showcasing Drupal's versatility. This article explores seven business requirements ideally suited for Drupal solutions.
Google Search Result Update
| 7 min read
Google is making changes to its search results, affecting FAQ and How-To rich results. FAQ rich results will now only be displayed for authoritative government and health websites, while How-To rich results will be limited to desktop users. These changes won't affect a site's ranking, and website owners don't need to remove existing structured data. Read more to understand these changes better and to learn about the actions you may need to take
24/7 Customer Support
| 4 min read
Leveraging collaboration tools like Mattermost or Slack, and integrating them with issue-tracking/project management systems like Redmine, Jira, or Trello using Low code, No code tools like Make or Zapier can enhance productivity and simplify various organizational tasks. In this blog post, we will explore how a successful IT Support Ticket System was created by integrating Mattermost and Redmine, paving the way for limitless possibilities in optimizing internal communication and workflow management.
Role of UX in Digital Transformation
| 8 min read
Digital transformation and user experience (UX) are closely interconnected as they improve and enhance how businesses and users interact with technology. UX is pivotal in achieving the digital transformation's objectives and ensuring its success. This blog will explore how UX processes contribute to and align with digital transformation efforts, creating seamless and user-focused digital experiences that drive growth and customer satisfaction.
ga4 logo
| 15 min read
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