
Linux installation, administration, configuration related articles

Zyxware default image2
| 2 min read
Visual studio code was developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight code editor which uses less RAM when compared to PhpStorm. VS Code contains features like syntax highlighting, bracket-matching, auto-indentation, box-selection, snippets etc.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
Docker is an open-source platform for system administrators and developers to build, ship, and run distributed applications, whether it's on the cloud, data center VMs, or laptops. Docker helps to automate the deployment of Linux applications inside software containers. This write-up helps you to learn, install, upgrade, and un-installation of Docker engine. Docker is supported on the following Ubuntu operating systems:
Zyxware default image4
| 2 min read
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which was designed to store and retrieve data centrally. Install OpenLDAP and phpLDAPadmin, before reading the configuration steps. Hope the packages were already installed, we can start configuring a few things, to connect with the OpenLDAP directory structure, created during the LDAP configuration stage. First, we can update the main configuration file with root privileges for the editor
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
LDAP stands for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, which was designed to store and access data centrally. It can be used to store any kind of information, but usually, it is used for a centralized authentication system (SSO). In some cases, it works similarly to relational databases. The main difference is the hierarchical structure in data relation. To install LDAP in your Ubuntu machine, do the following steps.
Zyxware default image3
| 2 min read
One of our project requirement was to transfer files from our server to an external storage space. This could be basically done by connecting to the server using SSH or FTP and then transferring files. We initially decided to use the libssh2-php library for creating SSH tunneling with the server and transfer file. Our server was hosted in Acquia server and libssh2-php was not available in Acquia stack. Read on to know how we tackled the problem of file transfer to an external storage space in Acquia environment.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
Virtual host setup in Ubuntu is very simple, we can do this in few steps. The following commands will help you to download the latest version of all software from its repositories(that is updation) and then install 'apache2', if you have no apache2 software. Otherwise ignore the following commands and go through the main steps for VirtualHost setup.
Zyxware default image1
| 3 min read
PhoneGap is an open source based Mobile App Development Framework. It is also known as Apache Cordova. Every mobile operating system providers have their own set tools and environments for developing application. Application made for one operating system and it's not support other operating systems. Developers using different frameworks and languages to building mobile applications for each devices- iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile etc. PhoneGap solve the above mentioned problem. Are you searching for an App Development, ping us quickly.
| min read
Alpine Linux 3.2.0 is a security-oriented distribution built from scratch and designed primarily for server deployments (and with some desktop packages available from the project's online repositories). This release is built with musl libc and is not compatible with 2.x and earlier, so special care needs to be taken when upgrading. Please refer to the documentation for information on how to perform the upgrade. Some of the new features are: Linux kernel 3.18; GCC 4.9.2 / musl 1.1.9 + fortify; MariaDB 5.5 replaces MySQL; Postfix 3.0; Lua 5.3 support; Ruby 2.2; Xen 4.5; Samba 4.2; MATE desktop 1.10; LibreOffice 4.4; Qt 5.4; Kodi (previously known as XBMC) 14.2. Some of the desktop applications that got upgraded and are available for 3.2: Xfce 4.12; X.Org Server 1.17; Firefox 38; Evince 3.16; virt-manager 1.2; VLC 2.2; Inkscape 0.91; Audacity 2.1. About Alpine Linux Alpine Linux is a community developed operating system designed for x86 routers, firewalls, VPNs, VoIP boxes and servers. It was designed with security in mind; it has proactive security features like PaX and SSP that prevent security holes in the software to be exploited. The C library used is musl and the base tools are all in BusyBox. Those are normally found in embedded systems and are smaller than the tools found in GNU/Linux systems. Distribution Name Alpine Linux Version 3.2.0 Architecture x86_64 Number of Media 1 Size 298 MB Media Type CD Software Type Linux
| min read
Fedora 22 has built on the foundation with Fedora 21 and the work to create distinct editions of Fedora focused on the desktop, server and cloud. It's not radically different, but there are a fair amount of new features coupled with features we've already introduced but have improved for Fedora 22. Fedora Games is shipped as a live operating system. It's everything you need to try out Fedora's Games - you don't have to erase anything on your current system to try it out, and it won't put your files at risk. Take Fedora for a test drive, and if you like it, you can install Fedora directly to your hard drive straight from the Live Media desktop if you like. About Fedora Fedora (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under a free and open-source license and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora has a reputation for focusing on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream Linux communities. The default desktop in Fedora is the GNOME desktop environment and the default interface is the GNOME Shell. Other desktop environments, including KDE, Xfce, LXDE, MATE and Cinnamon, are available. Fedora Project also distributes custom variations of Fedora called Fedora spins. These are built with specific sets of software packages, offering alternative desktop environments or targeting specific interests such as gaming, security, design, scientific computing and robotics. Distribution Name Fedora Version 22 Architecture 64bit Number of Media 1 Size 4 GB Media Type DVD Software Type Linux
| min read
Fedora 22 has built on the foundation with Fedora 21 and the work to create distinct editions of Fedora focused on the desktop, server and cloud. It's not radically different, but there are a fair amount of new features coupled with features we've already introduced but have improved for Fedora 22. the Server edition offers XFS as the default file system and a central management console called Cockpit. About Fedora Fedora (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under a free and open-source license and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora has a reputation for focusing on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream Linux communities. The default desktop in Fedora is the GNOME desktop environment and the default interface is the GNOME Shell. Other desktop environments, including KDE, Xfce, LXDE, MATE and Cinnamon, are available. Fedora Project also distributes custom variations of Fedora called Fedora spins. These are built with specific sets of software packages, offering alternative desktop environments or targeting specific interests such as gaming, security, design, scientific computing and robotics. Distribution Name Fedora Version 22 Architecture x86_64 Number of Media 1 Size 2.1 GB Media Type DVD Software Type Linux
| min read
Fedora 22 has built on the foundation with Fedora 21 and the work to create distinct editions of Fedora focused on the desktop, server and cloud. It's not radically different, but there are a fair amount of new features coupled with features we've already introduced but have improved for Fedora 22. The new Workstation release introduces more flexible firewall technology for developers. About Fedora Fedora (formerly Fedora Core) is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and owned by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under a free and open-source license and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora has a reputation for focusing on innovation, integrating new technologies early on and working closely with upstream Linux communities. The default desktop in Fedora is the GNOME desktop environment and the default interface is the GNOME Shell. Other desktop environments, including KDE, Xfce, LXDE, MATE and Cinnamon, are available. Fedora Project also distributes custom variations of Fedora called Fedora spins. These are built with specific sets of software packages, offering alternative desktop environments or targeting specific interests such as gaming, security, design, scientific computing and robotics. Distribution Name Fedora Version 22 Architecture x86_64 Number of Media 1 Size 1.3 GB Media Type DVD Software Type Linux
| min read
PC-BSD 10.1.2, the PC-BSD project offers users a desktop-oriented operating system based on FreeBSD. The latest release of PC-BSD allows users to maintain their home directories on an encrypted external drive and offers encrypted guest accounts. Code Name Joule Distribution Name PC-BSD Version 10.1.2 Architecture x64 Number of Media 1 Size 4 GB Media Type DVD Software Type Linux