Business Insight
List of Fortune 500 companies using Drupal for their websites
We had earlier published a list of Fortune 500 companies and their websites. We have evaluated these websites and have identified those that run on Drupal. Here is the list of fortune 500 companies using Drupal for the year 2022 and their websites.
The source data for this list is from and the past data is available as a google spreadsheet at
You can also check out the list of fortune 500 companies using WordPress, Sitecore, and AEM for their websites.
- List of fortune 500 companies using WordPress for their websites
- List of fortune 500 companies using Sitecore for their websites
- List of fortune 500 companies using AEM for their websites
Compiled by Zyxware, a leading drupal development company in India that has operations in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and the Middle East.