Free Hosting for GNU / Linux User Group Trivandrum Members

| | 1 min read
In a bid to promote the GNU/Linux User Group Trivandrum we have decided to offer free hosting plans for members of the group. The only eligibility criteria that we are looking forward to is a minimum level of involvement in the group activities.

Since the group is still in its initial stages we don't have too many criteria to evaluate the level of involvement.

The current restrictions are going to be
1) Minimum of 3 attendances to ilug-tvm meetings
2) Minimum of 20 emails to the list

The only requirement to be met to maintain the free hosting plan will be
1) Minimum of 5 emails in the current month

Any attempt to spam the list will result in the cancellation of the hosting plan.
We will be giving our basic hosting plan free for all ilug-tvm members who meet the above criteria. If you meet the criteria do request for your free hosting plan through the contact us page. If you don't meet the criteria, then involve yourself with the group and qualify for this offer.