Drupal Technical

Zyxware default image2
| 3 min read
Most webmasters do not realize this, but a lot of the content on lot of websites can be accessed from multiple URLs. A simple example would be where www.example.com and example.com leads to the same page. This is a fatal mistake in Search Engine Optimization and search engines penalize you for duplicate content. The correct configuration would be where the above two urls will lead you to the same page but example.com will redirect you to www.example.com with a 301 (Moved permanently) status which will not result in search engines penalizing the page. It is very easy to configure 301 redirects using Apache .htaccess file and the process is the same for a Drupal installation also.
Zyxware default image3
| 3 min read
We have added a few new modules to our site recently. Two of these are the StumbleThis module and the DiggThis module. Drupal already had a DiggThis module available for download but there was no StumbleThis module. StumbleUpon has been a popular source of traffic for zyxware.com and we wanted users to have an option to add any of our pages to their StumbleUpon favorites. So we created our own StumbleUpon module.