[Drupal] How to install and configure rooms module?

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Drupal rooms module is a booking and room management solution for businesses such as hotels and rentals. Availability and pricing of rooms can be managed easily by using this module. Integration with Drupal Commerce module enables handling payments. Here is how we can install and configure rooms module for use.


  1. Download rooms module
  2. Download the dependent libraries(Mentioned in README.txt file)
  3. Download dependent modules
  4. Enable the modules


  1. Goto the page, admin/rooms/units/unit-types and create unit type. E.g. single room.
  2. Goto the page, admin/rooms/units and create booking units. E.g: Room1, Room2.
    Inside the units their will be 3 options,
    a) Configuration Options : Configurations include, availability option, min/Max people, current status and so on.
    b) Availability Calendar(Date pop up): The availability, using this feature you can mange the booking availability and bulk update of availability.
  3. Add the availability of rooms and price by simply selecting the date ranges.
  4. Anyone can book the available rooms displayed on the hotel based on the availability.

Extra feature available

  • All available booking units will get displayed at admin/rooms/config/bookings.
  • Admin can also manage, when the booking should start, activate the booking and so on.
  • Admin can do the price management for children at admin/rooms/config/children