[Drupal] What are the check-lists to be considered while posting comments in Facebook through our Drupal website?

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Suppose you have a Drupal website in which you can post comment. The users of the site are admin and registered users. Registered user have the permission to post comment in Facebook wall. And this comment will display in the Facebook wall of both admin and the user. Then the some of the case to be considered are as follows.

  1. Ensure that user is able to post comment on Facebook.
  2. Ensure that credentials are verified while posting comment.
  3. Ensure that posted comment is displayed in users wall.
  4. Ensure that posted comment is displayed in admin's wall.
  5. Ensure that the user name in the Facebook wall is displayed as username who posted the comment in both admin wall and user wall.
  6. Ensure that all users have Like, comment and Share option in Facebook wall.
  7. Ensure that admin have the option to delete the message.
  8. Ensure that user image is displayed as image of that user who posted the comment in both admin wall and user wall.
  9. Ensure that date is displayed along with comment.
  10. Check the work flow is correct for both existing user and new user.
  11. Ensure that in Facebook comment page, the Facebook comment field is cleared as empty after posting a comment.
  12. Ensure that recently added comment is displayed as the first one.
  13. Ensure that the newer comment is not replacing the existing one.
  14. Ensure that whether the comment is posted only one-time in Facebook at single click.

This cases are related to particular requirement. And the cases may vary depends on the requirement.