[Drupal] How to disable the facebook/twitter/Gplus icons from Commerce kickstart's product page?

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Service links in commerce kickstart refers to facebook/gplus/twitter icons in the node page. These links help us to like/recommend/tweet specific page of our site respectively.In a recent project, I got a chance to work with Dupal commerce kickstart. One of the requirements I had to fullfil was to remove the twitter icon form the product's node page. Eventhough I searched everywhere in the net, I was unable to find a solution. If you wanna know how I nailed it, you may read on.

Follow the below steps to disable the icons.

  1. Log in to your site.
  2. Hit the url admin/config/services/service-links.
  3. Click on 'services' tab.
  4. Un-check the boxes you need to disable.

You are good to go.