[Drupal] Steps to be followed while testing performance of a website

| | 2 min read

The performance of a site should be tested in order to ensure how fast and reliable a site is. In this article I will be covering the steps to be followed for carrying out some of these performance tests. The topics being 'testing the GZipped Content Delivery', 'Whether FTP is enabled on Server', 'MySQL Remote Access on Server' and 'Password Based SSH Access on Server'.

Drupal Performance Test - GZipped Content Delivery

In order to check the gzipped content delivery,

  • First load the site.
  • Press F12 and view its source code.
  • If the browser you are using is chrome, then click "Network" (on the menu bar of the source code). If its Mozilla select "Net" tab.
  • Click the first link under the heading “Name Path”.
  • On the sub menu bar you can see a title “Headers” under the title check for Content-Encoding: gzip(under the title “Response Headers” ).
  • If it is present, the test status is pass else fail status.

Drupal Security Test - Whether FTP is enabled on the Server or not

  • We can test this via terminal (the keyboard shortcut for taking terminal is ctrl+alt+t).
  • Type ftp site's URL (for eg: ftp www.google.com).
  • The expected command to be displayed for the passed case is Name (url:user): [here for our example: Name (www.google.com:user):].

Drupal Security Test - MySQL Remote Access on Server

  • Type mysql -u root -p -h site URL in terminal.
  • For the pass case, ‘Enter Password: will be displayed’ (if you did not install mysql, then you may get warning. In that case install and continue).

Drupal Security Test - Password Based SSH Access on Server

  • Type ssh root@site URL in terminal.
  • For pass case, access permission will be denied.

Performance testing ensures the capability of a website in handling large volume of data. Therefore performance testing should be carried out before making a site go live.