[SOLVED][Drupal Colorbox] How to stop the title from fading away?

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Many Drupal users were looking for a way to stop the title in a Colorbox popup from fading away. If you are facing the same question in Drupal when using the Drupal Colorbox module and would like to know how to stop the title from fading away then continue reading to know the fix.

If you want to change the timing of the title of the default or plain style you should follow the steps below. The steps are applicable only for the default and plain styles as the other styles keep the title.


  • To change the timing you should copy the style to your theme. The style can be found at
  • After doing that you should proceed to line no. 8 of the file and change the value "1500" (milliseconds) to the value of your choice.
  • Delete the line f you want to completely disable this effect

Hope that helps.

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