Drupal backups and maintenance checklist

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The success of a website depends on many aspects, its maintenance being the most crucial. Only a well maintained website will have a vibrant impact on the visitors. The below checklist helps you ensure that your Drupal website is well oiled time to time.

Backups and Maintenance

  1. Cron - If cron is not running, your database will get bloated. Configure cron to run correctly after ensuring nothing unwanted happens with cron eg: Mails, Subscriptions, Payments etc
  2. Backups - Regular database backups are essential. Check out the Backing up and migrating section for more information.
  3. Statistics - You'll want to monitor your site going forward. Do you plan to use Drupal core statistics, or have you set up another service such as Google Analytics?
  4. Check Reports > Recent log entries for errors and warnings, such as missing files or URLs. Check that there are no red flags in Status Report.