Technical Solution
| 3
min read
In this article let us see how to use Google API with a simple example. Google API helps working with G-plus, Google Drive, Youtube etc.

Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
By using Views Slideshow module we could simplify the procedure of developing a slideshow in Drupal. As per the requirement I have found one feature lacking, i.e, a full screen option. I like to introduce a script that would turn slideshow images to the size of browser window. That is, it would turn image or html element to the measure of view port maintaining the content quality. This would be useful for setting an image as background of a page, so that entire viewing area would be covered.

Drupal Technical
| 1
min read
In this article lets see how to import and export translation strings to Drupal site. Drupal uses the .po (portable object) and .pot (portable object template) extensions for the translation files. Difference between .po and .pot files:

Drupal Technical
| 5
min read
Most of the operations that are done when developing sites in Drupal deals with enabling and configuring modules that are to be saved for future use. This is most certain times a time consuming process. But what if we could automate these tasks by developing a deployment module. Let's find out how we could achieve this goal.

Drupal Technical
| 4
min read
As part of form creation process in one of our recent project we came across one module called 'Client side Validation'. As the name implies the module supports basic as well as most advanced sort of validation methods. Validating the form user inputs is the one task we could not ignore on developing forms for a web project. Let's find out how the 'Client side Validation' will make life easy.

Drupal Technical
| 3
min read
One such feature used widely throughout the site is the use of popups for alerting users. Popups are nothing new to web development. In fact Drupal provides multiple tools to create popups including the more widely used Colorbox plugin. For this project we chose to go with Ctools modal popup as it provided more options than Colorbox. Read on to know how to implement popups using Ctools.
Follow the steps below to implement the pop-ups

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Most of us have struggled with certain social media buttons to align or fix them in a particular manner. But what if we could get the count figure and display the result in our custom button. Here I wish to share one method to implement this. Let's experiment how to fetch total likes count for a website from LinkedIn.

Drupal Technical
| 2
min read
In this article lets checkout how to fetch tweet count for a Drupal website. For this purpose we are using the Count API of twitter. Compared to Facebook on fetching likes and share counts we will notice a little difference. Simplest way to acquire the tweet count is to send request to the below url:

Technical Solution
| 2
min read
Can you imagine how it will be to manage Drupal sites without Drush. We may face one issue when Drupal 8 release coming up. Drupal 8 needs the all new version of Drush, and it won't be compatible with older Drupal version 6 and so. Drush version 5 is used to Drupal 6, drupal 8 requires drush of version 8, or else if you have scripts for Drush developed for version 6 or 7 will not work with the latest version of Drush. In this article lets see how we could experiment switching between the Drush versions.

Technical Solution
| 3
min read
Let's check how to add password protection to directories, there are many ways to add password protection to a directory. Here lets see how doing this with .htaccess. It is the built-in feature in Apache using htaccess method. By doing this we could restrict access to certain users or search engines.