Learning New C++ Standards - Initializer lists

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If you have a vector and you need to fill it with some predefined data, we have to call push_back() with those data that many times. Its so tiring like the following.


New C++ standards solved this issue by std::initializer_list<>. Using this proxy object, standard containers can be initialized with initial values.


    vector<int> vecData = {1,2,3,4};


    vector<int> vecData{1,2,3,4};

If you want your own class provide this functionality to its users then you have to implement a constructor which takes std::initializer_list<T> as parameter. Use that to populate internal data structure.

    class ObjList
	    ObjList(std::initializer_list<Obj> lst);

This object can be used like follows.

    ObjList o1 = {1, 2, 4, 5};

This type of constructor is called initializer list constructor. Elements in std::initializer_list are read only. we cannot change that in the constructor.

We can use std::initializer_list in other places like other data types.