[Drupal] How to create a responsive carousel in Drupal using owlcarousel?

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Owl carousel, Is a responsive image or content carousel with various customization option. Views has an owl carousel plugin to making it easy for the integration of owl carousel with Drupal.

Step 1 : Download the modules

Download and enable views owl carousel and libraries module

To download Views owl carousel go to link. and get the latest.
To download the libraries module go to link. Get the latest and place it under you module directory.

Step 2 : Download the libaray

you will need to download the libaray files from link and place it under sites/all/libraries directory of
your Drupal installation.

Step 3: Create a basic image carousel

Create a new content type. Lets call it 'Carousel elements' with field title, image and body and add two test images.

Create a new view and change the display format to 'Owl carousel'.

Save the view and check the carousel in view page.