Image popup / popout effect when hovering over an image - How to implement using jQuery adipoli plugin on Drupal/non-Drupal sites

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Enabling the jQuery effects on a page is now no more a mess. Using a plugin called Adipoli, it is as simple as this to show different effects for our content:

  1. Add the necessary js files and css files.
  2. Select the element on which the effect is to be applied.
  3. Invoke the tooltip plugin.

So here is the code:

      'hoverEffect' : 'popout' 

There are still more effects that you can add up on other than popout:

  • normal
  • sliceDown
  • sliceDownLeft
  • sliceUp
  • sliceUpLeft
  • sliceUpRandom
  • sliceUpDown
  • sliceUpDownLeft
  • fold
  • foldLeft
  • boxRandom
  • boxRain
  • boxRainReverse
  • boxRainGrow
  • boxRainGrowReverse

Just change them in the code to see how each of them works.

See the following page for a demo:

Download the Adipoli plugin from the following URL:

You can add either the jquery.js file or jquery.min.js file as you wish. With jquery.min.js, you will have a shorter download time.
So add the jquery.js file, the jquery.adipoli.js file, adipoli.css file and your custom js file to the where you want to use this.