Search and Compare Laptops on Zyxware
We are very excited to announce the new Search and Compare Laptops feature on our website. The new feature allows users to search for laptops meeting specific criteria like Manufacturer, Processor, Memory, Hard Disk Capacity, Screen Sizes etc. Click here to access the search and compare laptops feature.
This is a beta release of the module and is still being tweaked by our development team to improve usability and functionality. However the module is fully functional and ready to use for the general public. Use the search laptop module to search and find your laptop. If you come across bugs or problems while using the new module do report your problems here and we will fix the issues as soon as possible. You can report issues about the module as comments for this post.
If you have any questions about specific models you can ask the questions as comments under the page corresponding to that particular model. Once you ask the question our hardware team members will answer your technical questions as replies to your comments. You will also probably get answers from the community. Our policy is free, open and shared information for everybody. The answer to your questions will probably help another person asking the same question. If you have found our site useful we would encourage you to answer to questions posted by other users to return the favor to somebody else in the community.
If you like a particular model in the site please get in touch with us through phone or email for a quotation. The prices listed in the lists are only guaranteed to be indicative. The availability of the models will be subject to availability with our distributors. For up-to-date price and additional information regarding purchase and service of these, contact us at 0471 4063818 or visit our office.
We accept the following types of payments:
*Direct Deposit to our bank account
*Money-to-Bank account transfer from anywhere in India
*Pick-and-pay facility at our office.
We will deliver anywhere in India.