Channel Partner & Local Marketing

Channel Partner & Local Marketing tools empower businesses to collaborate with partners and execute localized marketing campaigns effectively. These tools provide centralized management of marketing assets, enable co-branding initiatives, and facilitate seamless communication between brands and their partners. Discover how Channel Partner & Local Marketing solutions can help you amplify your brand presence and drive growth in local markets using Martech tools.

  • ZINFI's Unified Partner Management is cloud-based SaaS platform with partner relationship; channel marketing automation; sales enablement.
  • Automate deal registration and more with partners; resellers; ISVs; and distributors. Reduce cost per lead by 75% and hit 296% ROI with Impartner. Learn more!
  • Grow your SaaS brand the easy way. PartnerStack helps you recruit; engage; and scale your entire ecosystem of partners — from affiliates to referral and reseller partners.