Indo- Australian Chamber Of Commerce

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| 4 min read
Zyxware technologies is honoured to be a part of the prestigious annual event organized by the Indo-Australian Chamber of Commerce on 'Outsourcing and Off-shoring – Opportunities in Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region' held on June 5, 2015 at Hotel Residency Towers, Chennai. Mr. Thomas P. Thomas, CEO, Zyxware technologies, represented the company at the event.
Automate Lead Generation with Marketing Automation.
| 6 min read
If you were given the option to watch either an informational video or read chunks of texts on a website, which would you prefer? Obviously, the video! In fact, online videos are fast becoming a vital source for content marketing. These days, most of the companies across the globe are utilizing the medium, with customers preferring videos over white papers, case studies, and live demos.