Advanced REST Client in API Testing

| | 2 min read

Advanced REST Client API is used to test interaction between various levels of software components. Testing is done using the API endpoints validation is performed based on the return value. Response can be Success true or Success false which can be tested by common testing techniques.

In Advanced REST Client API calls are made through GET and POST methods. In GET method key values are passed along with the URL whereas in POST method the information are transferred in a hidden manner. These are the two ways to transfer information from a web browser to a server within the URL and within the body of HTTP request

In GET method name/value are send along with the URL. The length of a URL is often increases beyond limit, so this is possible only when there are less parameters. The URL can be truncated if there are large number of parameters. Parameters send along with the URL are visible in the address field which is not a secure way to handle password.

In POST method the name/value pairs are enclosed within the body of the HTTP request, which makes a much more secure and compact URL and obviously there will be no size limitations. POST method is more secure than GET method

Features of Advanced REST Client

  1. Supports all the HTTP Methods: GET, PUT, POST, DELETE
  2. Easy to analyse the Response data
  3. JSON Response Formatter and Viewer




Insert authorisation key in the header field. Select authorisation in header and provide the key to be passed along with the URL. This is required to gain permission to access content available at destination.

Status and Loading Time

Status of request and along with loading time can be obtained for an API call .


Response is available in RAW as well as in JSON format. This response can be used to validate the interaction of software components. Response can be compared with expected response to validate the API call.