[Drupal] How to use Drupal Strongarm module?

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Strongarm is a developer and site builder tool which provides an API and a limited UI. The strongarm module allows Drupal persistant variables to be exported and imported via Features modules. In Drupal database,the Variables table stores the configurations and settings a lot of the core modules and contributed modules.The strongarm module is used to store those datas into code.

To export variable values, you will need to enable the Featues module.Create create a new feature.Select the strongarm variable to be exported. That is you can export this into code, you can bring this to another site, you have a development and a live site and when you change the site name on the development site and you push this up into your live site where you want that change to be represented.

Now extract the featues to your sites/all/modules folder and install the module.You can find the exported variables here.
Home » Administration » Configuration » Development » Strongarm

Strongarm uses the CTools export API to make entries in the system module's `variable` table exportable. Exportables are Drupal configuration objects that lead a dual life -- they may be *defaults* set by code exports in modules, they may be *overridden* if a user chooses to change the value in the database, or they may be *normal* if the configuration object lives only in the database but
not in code.

If you have changed the value of the exported variables it is marked as override, you have the option to restore the overridden values of the strongarm variables.