Drupal-8 alpha version updates

| | 2 min read

I had a chance to work on the Drupal-8 environment with its development version only released. I could able to design a simple site using the same and got stuck with some issues on the flow.The following are some release issue i faced during the design of the same.

Successfully installed the Drupal-8 to my local environment.Upload the tables to the database.Found that many tables comparing with Drupal-7 list is missing.May due to the version still on development.

Proceeded forward on my development.I had a home page as per the wire frame provided to bring a slider image. I couldn't find a theme appropriate a slider implementation. At last got two themes one professional and other business touching my requirement.

Implemented the theme business with the slider to it as per my design.

Moving forward tried to create a custom block.But the page was showing WSOD.Checked the error log.

[1].Symphony error is been showing on creating/editing a block.
(Missing argument 2 for Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\ParameterBag::set() error).
[2]  PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function get() on a non-object

Fixed the above using the following

/core/modules/block/custom_block/lib/Drupal/custom_block/Controller/customBLockController.php(line 105)

  if (isset($request) && ($theme = $request->attributes->set('theme')) &&   in_array($theme = array_keys(list_themes()))) {
    // We have navigated to this page from the block library and will keep track
    // of the theme for redirecting the user to the configuration page for the
    // newly created block in the given theme.
  return $this->entityManager->getForm($block);

Next tried to add modules in Drupal-8

After enabling the module from the extend list(module lists) a fatal error was thrown.
[1] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object

--Tried to debug the issue as per the following

The problem was not fixed by doing the above steps as mentioned

Atlast editted the custom code to unset the module.

/core/lib/Drupal/Core/DrupalKernel.php(line 199)

Atlast by doing this the issue was fixed and i could complete the rest of design smoothly as per wire frame provided.
Implemented a website using Drupal-8 development version successfully.